Top 4 Reasons Why New Year Resolutions Rarely Stick
1. Hitting that snooze button
Picture yourself reaching your goals, celebrating your accomplishment, and then instantly grimacing because you accidentally clicked the snooze button once more! Your mojo gets thrown off, your rhythm is disturbed, and before you realize it, your New Year’s resolutions are flying out the window. Setting back your alarm clock can cause sleep inertia, impair your circadian rhythm, and affect your decision-making and general sleep quality, all of which make it more difficult to stick to your New Year resolutions.
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2. Procrastination
“January is just not a good time to start resolutions. February has a better vibe.” Sounds familiar? Procrastination is the sneaky glitch in the resolution matrix that hijacks our goals and plans, transforming them into postponed dreams. Counter this by embracing time-blocking techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, eliminating distractions, creating a schedule, setting time limits for your goals, utilizing productivity apps, prioritizing tasks, visualizing your success, and not forgetting to reward yourself after small achievements.
3. The deception of immediate satisfaction
Imagine resolving to train as a gourmet chef in the coming year. One cooking class and you’re dreaming of Michelin stars, and maybe even being spared from being called an idiot sandwich by Gordon Ramsay. However, all of a sudden, your soufflés start to resemble pancake catastrophes, and the temptation of becoming an instant noodle expert calls.
The best approach is to encourage dedication and perseverance by appreciating the learning process, accepting small steps toward the goal, and taking pleasure in the journey rather than focusing exclusively on the destination. Let go of the illusion of instant nirvana which makes most people find it difficult to stick to their New Year resolutions.
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4. Absence of a support system
Trying to nail New Year resolutions without a support squad is like trying to summit a mountain without a cheering base camp or performing stand-up comedy without evoking laughter. Having a support system gives you drive, encourages, and holds you accountable and without it the road would seem lonelier and obstacles more difficult to conquer. What’s the fix? Join online communities, find a mentor or accountability partner, attend relevant events or classes, or form a support group with like-minded individuals.
Let’s face it, change is hard. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. So, don’t let a few setbacks discourage you. Remember, even the mightiest oak starts as a tiny acorn. With the right approach and a little perseverance, you can watch your resolutions blossom into something truly remarkable.
So, are you still holding on to your New Year resolutions or you’ve decided to postpone until next January? Share in the comments.