Wellness Spa Treatments in Abu Dhabi - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Me Time Chronicles: 3 Spa Treatments You Should Definitely Try This Year

Wellness Spa Treatments You Should Definitely TryIt’s the beginning of the year and some of us are still ‘struggling’ with the January blues, not to mention the dreaded Monday blues. Although the only remedy for these blues is patience and taking it a day at a time, why not make the waiting game more fun by indulging in some more ‘me time’ this year than you did last year? To make it easier for you, we’ve listed some wellness spa treatments you should at least try out this year courtesy of The Abu Dhabi EDITION Spa.

The folks down there blend timeless philosophies and innovative techniques, to provide customized treatments featuring bespoke scent, sound, touch, and premium products to brighten your blues.

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3 Wellness Spa Treatments You Should Try


If we’ve learned anything in the past couple of years, it’s that now, more than ever, it’s important to focus on self-care. Get a rejuvenated instant glow with the facial services exclusively at The Abu Dhabi EDITION spa. From a stunning facial consisting of luxury face masks, relaxing massages, and bespoke oils guaranteed to revitalize, brighten, and glow your skin, it’s the perfect start to self-care.

*Prices range from AED 300 to AED 850

SEE ALSO: I Tried a Couples Massage – And It Was Worth It!

Massage and bodywork

When it comes to relaxation and wellness spa treatments, there are a few things we all associate with it: spa days, cozying up by the fire, staying in bed until 2 p.m., and, of course, getting a massage. Other than it just being a relaxation method, massages have great therapeutic benefits, too. Enjoy soothing and multi-sensory experiences with the spa’s signature array of massages to cater to your needs.

*Prices range from AED 305 to AED 580

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Edition Rituals

The EDITION’s specialty of unforgettable experiences includes the ceremony of love, which is the perfect getaway for couples, the oud renewal, a luxuriate in lush layers of healing botanical extracts, and the travelers’ corner, a perfect ending to a tiring, busy day. You can enjoy these ultimate wellness spa treatments with integrated experiences and targeted solutions for a modern lifestyle.

*Ceremony of love AED 2,200

*Oud Renewal AED 995

*Travelers Corner AED 900 

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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