Healthy Hair: Top Tips on How to Achieve a Beautiful Mane

Easy Tips on How to Achieve a Healthy Head of Hair

Healthy Hair: Top Tips on How to Achieve a Beautiful ManeSome are born with it; others just have it, while we have to fight for it. We are talking hair; healthy hair. Would it not be great to have a healthy head of hair throughout? Unfortunately, not everyone has the privilege of having a mane that never thins or breaks whenever you look at it the wrong way. If you understand and identify with what I’m trying to say here, then welcome to the club. For some us healthy hair is not easy to come by. I mean, if it’s not breaking then it’s dry, and when it’s well moisturized it looks thin. We just never seem to win when it comes to hair!

Fortunately, by not winning doesn’t mean you can’t keep on trying, hence the reason I’m sharing a couple of healthy hair tips that will transform your dull and dry locks to a strong, shiny and soft mane.

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Healthy Hair Tips Straight From the Pros

Keep your nutrition in check

You are what you eat, or so the story goes. You might think this only applies to the skin, but it’s a mantra for your entire body – from head to toe. A well-balanced diet is vital for the health of your hair. And to inject your hair with more life, a diet full of calcium and protein will get you started.

Go for the right hair products, not the latest

If you are one of those people who like to rush for the newest hair product on the shelf hoping to experience some hairy magic, then you are doing it wrong. If you want your hair to thrive, choose products made for your hair type and texture.

Keep your distance from stress

This means both physical and psychological stress. Once upon a time, I had a sister who would start losing her hair whenever she got stressed. I never understood it then, but I do now. When everything would fall into place again, she would have the most beautiful hair. So, try to avoid all stressors, foreign and within.

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Use styling tools sparingly

Healthy Hair: Top Tips on How to Achieve a Beautiful ManeSome of us always feel the need to straighten our hair before stepping out each morning, or for certain special occasions. Using these hot styling tools often is bound to make your healthy hair weak in the long run. So what to do? Use the hot tools less often, and don’t forget to use a heat protecting serum.

UV protection

Sometimes we think that we only need to protect our skin from the sun, but our hair needs the same protection too. Use some mild products to shield your hair because the sun can dry it out. To make the sun protection more effective, use on damp hair.

The more gentle the better

Harsh hair products can lead to breakage, drying out and thinning your locks eventually. That’s why you should be going for products with more gentle ingredients if you want to achieve that healthy mane. And if you really have to use the harsh stuff, then go easy on them and use sparingly so that your hair can have a chance to breathe and thrive.

What are your go-to tips for healthy hair? Share down in the comments…

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


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