Have you ever walked into a room and found guys just roaring with laughter? And just by looking and hearing these people’s current state, you join into the laughing tirade, without knowing what they are laughing about. That’s the spirit of laughter; it is contagious and it makes people happy even for a short moment.
Two days ago I was in a ‘mood’, and when I get into this mood, I tend to stay away from people so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts. As 4pm approached, I was beginning to breathe a sigh of relief because the day would be over in about two hours, and I had survived it. Ten minutes into the hour, I get called that a previous filming schedule had been changed, and that I should get that interview recorded immediately.
I took my gadgets and headed to my subject’s office, trying my best to look normal, and well, more normal. As I started the interview, recording and all, my subject who is a very confident guy and always knows what he is talking about, started stumbling over his own words, and whatever he was explaining. It reached a point where he would yell ‘cut’ to himself, in addition to swearing in Spanish. This episode made my day, and I found myself laughing, not really at him, but on the whole scenario. And just like that, my gloomy mood disappeared and we had lots of fun recording and cutting and doing more recording until it was over. Needless to say, my mood improved drastically, and I even went out with a friend afterwards instead of curling on my coach drinking a tall glass of white something.
I guess what I am trying to say is that not only is laughter beautiful, it relieves stress, and changes the mood. It’s like getting a dose of a happy pill or drink or something. This is because when you laugh, your body releases some feel-good chemicals known as endorphins, which can even go as far as relieving pain.
Laughter is also great because it happens to improve your immune system. Lots of negativity in your life can add up to certain chemicals within your body reacting and adding more stress to your body, which in the end weakens your immune system. Positivity on the other hand, fights off stress, and strengthens your immune system.
So next time you are feeling down and almost out, instead of embracing that feeling, have a good laugh, because it is at least one dependable way of bringing your body, mind, beauty and happiness back into equilibrium.
After all, laughing hard brings a special connection between you and your laughing cohorts, and makes your burdens a little less heavy. So laugh your heart out and watch everything become beautiful.
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.