The Skinny on Acne; Causes and Treatments - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

The Skinny on Acne; Causes and Treatments

The Skinny on Acne; Causes and TreatmentsMost of us  remember those early teenage years where our legs grew faster than the rest of the body; we started sprouting bodily hair in funny places, and pimples officially established themselves on our faces. For some us, this acne has stayed way beyond the recommended adolescent years, and it has followed us through to our later years. So, here’s everything on acne, from an expert’s point of view.

What You Should Know About Acne

What is acne?

Acne is a skin disorder that comes about when oil-secreting glands in the skin become clogged and inflamed or infected. Although acne is largely a curse of adolescence, about 20% of all cases occur in adulthood. The condition commonly starts during puberty between the ages of 10 and 13 and tends to be worse in people with oily skin.

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Adolescent acne can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, and it usually goes away in the early 20s. It also occurs in both men and women, although teenage boys tend to have the most severe cases. Women on the other hand are more likely than males to have mild to moderate acne well into their 30s and thereafter.

For some of us, it can be difficult to differentiate acne with other skin conditions. Acne can be characterized by whiteheads, which are closed plugged oil glands; blackheads, which are open plugged oil glands and pustules, which are red, inflamed, infected plugged oil glands, sometimes filled with pus.

Types of acne

  • Non-inflammatory acne

This is where the microcomedones can spontaneously become unplugged and heal or they become non-inflamed skin blemishes called “comedones” – either a whitehead or a blackhead.

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  • Inflammatory acne

This type of acne occurs when a blackhead or a whitehead releases its contents onto the surface after the follicle wall ruptures. This can be caused by random occurrences or when you pick and touch the skin. This is why you’re always advised to leave acne prone skin relatively untouched.

The Skinny on Acne; Causes and Treatments

Causes of acne

Although there is no conclusive evidence to show the connection between diet and acne as most of us believe, there are researches that show that a high glycemic diet is associated with worsening acne. For instance, consumption of milk has been associated with greater rate and severity of acne.

25% of acne cases are as a result of food, while 75% is because of stress, sleep levels, and where one lives. Other causes include:

  • Hormones

Acne during the adolescent years is caused by an increase in hormone production. This is because during this stage in life, both girls and boys produce high quantities of androgens, which is the male sex hormone that comprise testosterone. Testosterone gives a sign to the body to make more sebum – the oil produced by the skin’s oil glands.

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  • Bacteria

Excess sebum clogs the openings to hair follicles – especially those on the face, neck, chest, and back, and as a result bacteria grows in these clogged follicles making blackheads or whiteheads to form on the skin’s surface.

  • Contraceptives

Depending on the type, oral contraceptives may trigger acne in some women but suppress it in others. Some contraceptives, which are injected, and intrauterine birth control devices (IUD) may also be the primary cause of acne.

The Skinny on Acne; Causes and Treatments

Acne treatment

Treatment of acne is usually aimed at keeping oil and dirt out of the pores and reducing inflammation and can be done through:

  • Topical therapy

This is an acne remedy that is applied directly to the skin, like gels or creams. OTC topical products can sometimes help with mild acne. They may contain ingredients like salicylic acid, Sulphur, benzoyl peroxide, or resorcinol.

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  • Systemic Therapy

Systemic therapy is basically acne remedies taken by mouth. Antibiotics, which are quite popular, may treat moderate to severe acne by targeting bacteria and reducing inflammation. Other systemic therapies include oral contraceptives, anti-androgen hormone pills and high-dose prescription of vitamin

Acne can cause feelings of anxiety, embarrassment, and even anger. Many people with acne suffer loss of self- esteem and even depression, particularly during acne flares. In severe cases, acne could result in relationship problems and discrimination at school or in the workplace. That’s why it is important to take proactive steps to see a dermatologist as early as early as possible.

If your acne doesn’t improve, and keeps getting worse, consider seeing a dermatologist to discuss other treatment options.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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