I like keeping myself in the know about the best skincare routines, treatments, and well, anything that can give me a youthful, well-hydrated and beautiful skin. I came to realize that the more I read on this subject, the more I get confused because some sources are always contradicting others.
Since I cannot do a ‘tried and tested’ on every skin treatment out there, I decided get down from my unicorn and have a chat with a leading medical aesthetician in one of the leading cosmetic surgery clinics in UAE. She tried her best to help me sort out the facts and fiction, and try to understand how the fiction can never happen. Here’s my short list so far:
Myth: At some point in your adulthood you will outgrow acne
Fact: Apologies to be the bearer of bad news. If this was really the whole truth and nothing but the truth, my local skincare clinic will not be offering acne treatment, which by the way is a big hit. And not to mention, the ladies and gents getting these treatment range from teens to women in their early 50s. This is because you can breakout anytime from puberty onwards. It’s all about your hormones and how they fluctuate.
Myth: You don’t need sunscreen when it’s cloudy or you are sitting in the shade.
Fact: Here’s the thing, if you can’t see or feel the sun, it doesn’t mean the UV rays are not penetrating through; the radiation is still reaching the sun’s surface, and this means reaching your skin. Best advice, stick to a broad spectrum sunscreen to keep yourself protected.
Myth: The more expensive the skincare product, the better it works.
Fact: Well, according to this lady skincare expert in Dubai, that is not the case. There are cheaper products, even natural remedies that work better than those branded products. For instance, anti-aging ingredients found in a pricy product are similar to the ones you will find in the fairly priced one. But don’t get me wrong, some expensive and branded products can do wonders to your skin. Not all, but some or most.
Myth: Laser skin therapy will shave 2 decades or more off your face.
Fact: Well, where do I start? I for one love laser for the skin. It’s my favorite go-to when it comes to hair removal. This aside, there are many types of lasers, which have different outcomes depending on the treatment you are searching for. But when it comes to anti-aging laser treatments, the best thing that the medical aesthetician and laser therapists advises is to have realistic expectations, because there’s no way laser will shave decades off our skin. Also, it all depends on the condition of your skin. You can call it a maintenance treatment, which after a few sessions; you will see your face starting to look fresh and rejuvenated; but 20 years younger? No way.
Myth: Popping that pimple will make it heal faster
Fact: The only thing that popping your acne will do other than leave you with an acne scar is spreading the infection across other parts of your face, meaning more pimples or acne. Best thing is to keep your nails and fingers away from your face and let it be. If it’s a serious condition, check with your skin specialist before things get out of hand.
![Electrolysis Treatment](https://estherlackie.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/laser_hr_istock.jpg)
Myth: Everybody’s skin is the same
Fact: Well, here’s the thing, skincare products and treatments work differently on different people’s skin. What works for Lucy might not work for Jane or Abby. Some people have oily skin, others dry skin, while some just happen to have that never-aging skin. These types of skins cannot use the same product; each has to use products and treatments tailor-made for their skin type.
There are quite a number of myths floating around. If you are not sure about a skincare regimen, product or treatment, find a qualified skin specialist or dermatologist to help you out. Also, do not shy away from natural remedies, you know the homemade stuff.
Feel free to share skincare myths you have heard or read about.