Retinoids: Complete Guide for Healthy Skin - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Real Talk: A Complete Guide on Using Retinoids for Healthy Skin

If you are a skincare addict, you obviously know what retinoids are. As for those who are still a bit green in the skincare game, well, retinoids are derived from retinol, which is basically vitamin A.
Dr. Mai Elsayed – Specialist Dermatologist

These compounds, which boost skin cells regeneration, are a vital part of skincare and play several roles in any skincare regimen including minimizing and unclogging pores, preventing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture, and getting rid of sunspots just to name a few. But, do you know which is the best way to use retinoids?

Dr. Mai Elsayed, a Specialist Dermatologist at OmniCare Medical & Aesthetic in Dubai, stepped into The Beautiful Lifestyle Online to share with us the right way to use retinoids or vitamin A derivatives, which are effective as an anti-aging skin treatment.

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Tips on Using Retinoids for Healthy Skin

Start with the lowest concentration

According to Dr. Mai, retinoids are used to clear skin from acne, help with hyperpigmentation, provide a better texture of the skin and minimize pores and fine lines. “The right way to use this vitamin A derivative is to start first with the lowest concentration, that’s if you’re just getting started. But before applying it to the skin, you must protect the sensitive areas around the eyes and the mouth with a moisture-based gel or petroleum jelly aka Vaseline.”

A little goes a long way

Additionally, you must use only a pea-size drop from the retinoids cream. The process, she explains, begins first by cleansing the face using your usual cleanser, and then applying a moisturizer as a base before applying the retinoids. You can then apply the moisturizer again for added benefit to the skin.

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Don’t forget SPF

To protect the skin from damage, it is very important to apply sun protection in the morning before starting your beauty regimen. “It is essential to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. For normal and oily skin, retinoids can be used at first every other day for the first month and then every day afterward.”

Use sparingly

For users with sensitive skin, it is safe in the first month to use it once every three days, and then once every two days in the second month. Following this, the retinoids can be used once at night every day from the third month of use.

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Have a skincare routine in place

Not taking care of the skin can lead to premature aging. Time and time again, experts strongly recommend taking the necessary precautions as skin damage can have long-lasting effects. “However, with a little extra TLC and a few simple changes in your everyday skincare routine, you can make a huge difference and the results of using retinoids can lead to healthy glowing skin all year round.”

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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