Reasons for Thinning Eyebrows and What You Can Do About It

This is Why Your Brows are Thinning

reasons for thinning eyebrowsNot all of us are lucky enough in the eyebrows department. Some of us have scattered strands here and there, others have eyebrows that run halfway, while some have eyebrow strands that seem to be social distancing! The funny thing is that at one point in time, most of us had bushy brows, and if styled well they could easily pass for a well-done 3-D microblading job. So, when did things go wrong and why?  After having my ups and downs with my eyebrows, I thought I’d share with you some of the common reasons for thinning eyebrows, from the experts.

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5 Reasons For Thinning Eyebrows


I remember one time my eyebrows got over-plucked and were left holding on for dear life. It’s a given that we all want our brows on fleek. Plucking or tweezing is one of the ways of ‘easily’ achieving this fleek situation because it lasts longer. But what you don’t realize is that plucking your brows can easily damage the hair follicle which can lead to permanent loss of hair. So, if you want to save your brows, avoid over-plucking them. On the other hand, if it’s already too late for your eyebrows, and you are tired of drawing on them, you can always give some essential oils or growth serums.


This is one of the most natural reasons for thinning eyebrows. As we get older, our hair tends to thin out naturally, which also happens to the eyebrows. This occurs when some of the eyebrow follicles decide to take a rest and keep on resting more and more as the years go by. This type of eyebrow thinning can be caused by genetics, diet, or some underlying disorder, but a drop in hormones is the biggest culprit because it affects the hair growth cycle. To manage eyebrows thinning due to aging, managing your nutritional intake to one that supports the healthy metabolism of estrogen in the body would be the way to go, or you can seek hormone therapy.

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Telogen Effluvium (TE)

TE is a temporary form of hair loss that causes the hair to fall rather quickly, in this case, eyebrows. It is one of the most common forms of thinning eyebrows in its most chronic phase. Hair thinning due to TE happens whenever there is a change in the normal hair growth cycle, which can come about due to certain medications, stress, or some health conditions. The best way to stop losing your eyebrows due to TE would be to find out the root cause of it by visiting a qualified dermatologist.

Alopecia Areata

Also known as female or male pattern baldness, this condition, which is another one of the common reasons for thinning eyebrows, is not restricted to the hair on your head; because it attacks eyebrows and eyelashes as well. It causes the eyebrows to have patchy baldness; and in extreme cases, complete loss of your eyebrows. This condition is characterized by some mild irritation, burning, itching, and redness on these hairless patches. Eyebrows thinning or loss due to Alopecia Areata can always be treated simply because when the hair falls off these patches, the follicles remain alive and are able to grow new hair in a few months after the underlying cause has been treated.

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Nutritional Deficiency

Well, the popular saying about you being what you eat, also applies to the eyebrows. If you are eating an unbalanced diet or missing out on some nutritional power foods, then some of the after-effects you might notice include hair thinning, which also happens to the eyebrows. To curb this, you need to add essential fatty acids and vitamins to your diet.  You might want to include plenty of nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, and vitamin D, which can bring back your brows to normality.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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