Picking the Perfect Sofa and Making Your House Your Sanctuary

Making Your House Your Sanctuary – Picking the Perfect Sofa

Picking the Perfect Sofa and Making Your House Your SanctuaryAs the primary hangout spot in most homes, we agree that the living area has to be both stylish, and functional with some beautiful furniture, the most important piece being the sofa (I can’t imagine life without a sofa, can you?). You see, a sofa is one of the top-three furniture expenditures at home, so when it comes to choosing one, you have to be extra careful. Why? Because, like most other major furniture, your new sofa will be with you for many years (if you don’t get bored with it). So, comes the big question, how can you go about picking the perfect sofa?   Well, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task anymore because the folks from Home and Soul, the lifestyle destination for home transformation, are sharing with us their top tips on picking the perfect sofa.

Tips on Picking the Perfect Sofa

Determine the Purpose of Your Sofa

Picking the Perfect Sofa and Making Your House Your SanctuaryFrom a family-room sofa, where you’d all be lounging, to more of an occasional sitting area, understand how you and yours (cat, family, or just cat-family) will use the seating area. This will steer you in the right direction to choosing the design of your sofa.

Identify Your Taste

Picking the Perfect Sofa and Making Your House Your SanctuaryKnowing your personal style is fundamental when you want to narrow down your quest for the perfect sofa. Choose a style that reflects your lifestyle and home aesthetic, to ensure you will never (fingers crossed) be bored with your final decision.

Choose a Colour that is Appropriate for the Space

Picking the Perfect Sofa and Making Your House Your SanctuaryA sofa is usually purchased for the main living space (or the bedroom), an area that tends to have a lot of other furniture and accessories. Opting for a neutral color allows you to add pops of color or patterns, such as pillows or cozy throws. A subtle colorway is also timeless and will fit with any décor style, certifying longevity to your furniture.

You see, picking the perfect sofa should not be that difficult. Just combine your gut feeling, personal style, and your favorite color, and wallah! you have the perfect piece of furniture to be a couch potato on.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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