There’s an Egyptian saying that goes ‘a beautiful thing is never perfect’, and at least for myself, this is one way I prefer to define beauty. Being imperfect is beautiful! You can choose to stay natural and imperfectly beautiful or you can opt to enhance your natural beauty… to let it shine more, not for anyone else, but for yourself.
When I dove right into aesthetics, I had no clue what I was getting myself into. Before that, I was misinformed and misguided on what aesthetic surgery is all about. I always gave it a side eye and promised myself I would never be caught dead doing anything plastic-surgery related or a simple skin treatment. But here I am.
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Well, just to be clear, I haven’t done any cosmetic surgical procedures, but I haven’t written that off just yet. Only time will tell.
Beauty Made Better
Anyway, I’ve met some of the best plastic and reconstructive surgeons and skin care specialists in the industry, who made me ‘see the light’ in aesthetics. And from what I learned, aesthetics is not about duck lips and frozen faces coupled with triple Ds and wasp waists. It’s all about naturally enhancing one’s beauty. More like ‘beauty made better’, as one great plastic surgeon once told me.
If anyone wants to enhance their beauty or feels uncomfortable to the point of having low self-esteem because of a certain imperfection on their body, I believe they should go ahead and consider a cosmetic procedure. And what could really help would be them doing this without being judged by anyone for their choices.
It could be a deviated septum or a bump, a wrinkle or two, or a double or triple chin that won’t go away; I say, go ahead and beautify that imperfection. And if a new mommy is having a hard time with her Diastasis recti, I say get a consultation with a good plastic surgeon and schedule that tummy tuck! Things will only get better from there; because it won’t fix itself.
SEE ALSO: The Psychology Behind Cosmetic Procedures
Addicted to Beauty
And while you are busy beautifying that imperfection, don’t get addicted. That’s the one problem that some people end up facing. You can start with a simple toxin to get rid of simple crow’s feet, then end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on procedures you never needed.
Addiction to beauty is why a good plastic surgeon has to establish that you are not only physically healthy but emotionally too. The plastic surgeon should not be afraid to say no and put his/her feet down. It’s not easy, but I’ve seen it done on more than one occasion. Some patients blow off the gasket, while others hold their heads up high and move on to the next plastic surgeon who’s more focused on the dollar sign, and they know he/she will not say no to new business. That is wrong!
If you or someone you know ever find yourselves in this beauty predicament, then it’s time to seek help. Why? Because you (or that other person) have crossed the beauty line, and you are now on the other side where the water is murkier, dark, and gross. But the best thing is, it’s never too late.
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Reversing Over-Beautification
While in your endeavor to beautify your imperfection you find yourself in the above cesspool and are ready to get help, then something can be done. It’s not the end. After your beauty addiction detox, most of the over-done procedures can be reversed. You just have to be ready and willing, and above all, have a great plastic surgeon in your corner. Also, it has to be 100% your choice!
So, Again, What is Beauty?
Beauty is who you are, and most of all how you feel about yourself. I think Kiesza said it best – ‘Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.’
So, go forth with confidence in your imperfections. And one day if you ever feel the need to make your beauty better, then do your research, and find the best professionals in the industry.
♥️ perfectly said! Women are so hard on ourselves sometimes. Self-love and care along with emotional intelligence helps ease the insecurities. xx
Very true… we should stop being too hard on ourselves. A little TLC never hurt (as long as the emotional intelligence is present). Thanks for stopping by 😉