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3 Mental Health Benefits of a Clean Home
1. Releases endorphins and reduces stress
Cleaning is a physical activity no matter how you approach it that results in the release of endorphins triggering a positive feeling in your body. Whether it be a 5-minute blast before the guests arrive or a full home cleanse, the sense of satisfaction after cleaning can really help lift your spirits and mood.
2. Increases productivity
Trying to be productive in an environment that is untidy can really hinder your productivity. Decluttering and cleaning promote a positive mental attitude, allowing you to focus on other challenges in your life. If you’re working from home or studying, be sure to keep your work area clean and fresh in order to keep your senses awakened and probably decrease the number of mistakes you make.
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3. Boosts your mood
A musty-smelling room isn’t likely to do anything for your mental health, but beautifully smelling cleaning products are known to have an energizing effect on your senses. Using your favorite fragrance will not only help to disinfect the room and keep it hygienically clean but also leave it smelling beautifully fragrant.
As they say, cleanliness is next to godliness, hence the reason why it’s attached to mental health benefits. What are some of the simple and fuss-free ways you use to keep your space clean and clutter-free?