Ever since I came to know about Botox or at least got entangled in aesthetic medicine, this minimally invasive injectable has always been all the rage with females. But a year ago, I noticed that it has become quite popular among men (hence the name Brotox) and they are using it on their pretty faces for a number of reasons.
According to statistics from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), Botulinum Toxin type A was ranked the most popular procedure overall alone with a total of 5,145,189 procedures amongst which 643,675 were men. Not only this, but in previous posts we’ve seen that men are moving more towards plastic and cosmetic surgery, what with the increase of laser hair removal for men and getting a six-pack through abdominal etching – which is a cosmetic surgery procedure.

As usual when it comes to certain topics that require expert opinion, I approached Dr Alexandre Dionyssopoulos, a friend who also happens to be a professor in plastic surgery, and a plastic and reconstructive surgeon as well, to shed some light on this matter of Brotox.
For starters Prof. Dr Alex had no clue what Brotox is, until I explained how then name came about and I could see the light bulb above his head light up as he caught on. According to him, this Brotox trend is not a new thing, but the numbers of men opting for the treatment are surely rising.
“The men who walk into my office in search of this treatment always ask for one simple thing; to look a couple of years younger by reducing the wrinkles on their faces,” explains the professor adding that men are not injecting Botulinum Toxin Type A to look more pretty, but just to reduce that older look, while still maintaining the mature look. “This is why it is very difficult to find a man who has gone over the top with Botox.”
Another reason, says he, is for career advancement. After all, there’s always some study claiming that good-looking people are more successful. To be more precise, there is a Harvard University study which states in part that good looks help you (men) get a ahead in business, and if a handsome man was making a pitch to investors, chances are pretty high that they (investors) would put money into the venture.
“When you look at most work places, you will find that older guys are always under pressure to compete with fresh-looking starry eyed younger guys. Although some are confident about their jobs, unfortunately there are others who are not, and once in a while have their lunch with a side of Botox, although no one can tell.”
The rise of Brotox is also because of what the Professor terms as a changing world, with men becoming more open-minded towards cosmetic surgery compared with their views back in the day. “Human vanity is also playing a huge role in all this.”
How Botox works
So, just in case you are interested in having Botox for lunch, Dr Alex says that you don’t have to do it very regularly. “Twice a year is enough, and each session takes between 15 and 20 minutes.” This means you can get your injection and still make it to your business lunch. “But not so fast because for some people, there can be some minimal bruising afterwards. Still it is a small price to pay for shaving years off your face and looking quite relaxed.”
In the end, having a bit of work done in order to gain a bit of self-esteem or for career advancement is not a bad thing. “And to encourage men who are thinking of approaching a cosmetic clinic about this anti-aging procedure, only a man who has had Botox injections knows about it, not unless he chooses to tell his peers.” In other words, if your friend notices, it is very likely that he too has done it; and you can look on the brighter side of things, which is you two can become Botox buddies!
Point to note from Prof. Alex: Make sure your Botox is done by an experienced plastic surgeon who is board certified; and if you are offered a deal that is too good to be true, turn the other way and run.
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