You see, lovely Daliea is not all about being a makeup artist, but leans towards different kinds of art and beauty, and other holistic methods to enhance that natural beauty we were all born with (what I’m always talking about).
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Makeup Artist Daliea Samarraie
TBLO: Give us a little snippet of your background
Daliea: I was born in Iraq, and I moved to Canada when I was 8 years old and I have a background in art, music, and cosmetics. From a young age, I have always gravitated towards art and beauty and different kinds of holistic methods to enhance what we were born with. I always find myself researching the different benefits of things like vitamins and nutrients on the skin, herbal extracts, and going to numerous beauty clinics to see what I can find to enhance my knowledge on the same.
TBLO: Have you always been a makeup artist?
Daliea: No. At some point in my life, I worked for a large multi-national pharmaceutical company in Canada called Rexall. But for the last five years, I have been working and focusing on the beauty industry where I have been trained on many different brands and their products including their ingredients, which help me distinguish between the good, the bad, and the outright ugly in the mainstream cosmetic market.
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TBLO: Where does the makeup part come in?
Daliea: I have loved makeup since I was a young girl! I was always intrigued by the colors and textures. I love the freedom of experimenting with it. Having a background in art, music, and cosmetics, I enjoy using influences from my eclectic taste of these expressions to form a makeup look and express myself through it.
TBLO: What is your signature makeup look?
Daliea: I would not say I have a particular look, but I like to create different and striking makeup looks. On the other hand, I also love the beauty of subtleness. Makeup does not have to be noticeable unless you want it to be, which is one of its many amazing uses!
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TBLO: Where does your love of skincare cross paths with makeup?
Daliea: Makeup can sometimes play well with certain skin issues if used correctly. And with this in mind, I am passionate about helping people find a great camouflage/treatment if they suffer from skin issues like Rosacea, Psoriases, Acne, Eczema, Vitiligo, and Hyperpigmentation! I use my background in art and cosmetics to help myself as well as others reach their full potential in whatever beauty problems they face. I like to create makeup art, as well as use my knowledge of sensitive skin issues to make everyone feel and look beautiful without sacrificing anything!
And there you have it. Short and straight to the point (I don’t think our sweet makeup artist likes to talk much, but I’ll take it). If you would like to see her work or just say hello, or even ask for tips or tricks, just head over to her Instagram Makeup By Daliea. I’m sure she will be happy to say hello to you too!
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.
Your photo really just show beauty. Good choice.
I’m Janice. I blog over at mostlyblogging.com. I met you at Jacqueline’s party. Maybe you can check out my blog. I offer blogging tips and I host 10 blog parties a month including meet and greets like Jacqueline.
Hi Janice,
Very nice to meet you again. I just got glued over at your blog… very insightful. Thank you for sharing it! And I’ll make it a point to attend your meet and greets 😉