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Hacks to Make Your Heels Comfortable
Try a Thick Heel
Ultra-skinny stiletto heels always look gorge with almost every single outfit. Unfortunately, they may be hard to balance on as your weight isn’t usually evenly distributed which creates more pressure on the front of your foot. A thick heel, on the other hand, provides more support as it gives you stability and balance which helps with overall comfort. Try out a funky chunky heel or go for a cute platform if you have an option, most of the time.
Tape Your Toes
Ever wonder why ballerinas tape their toes together? When wearing high heels for a long period, the balls of your feet and toes can take quite a beating. To ease this, tape your third and fourth toes together as this helps take the pressure off the balls of your feet and makes your heels feel comfortable. It took me a while to get used to this little hack but it did help me have my heels on longer while still being comfortable, it’s honestly worth it!
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Strap Up!
If you are a beginner in the heel game, it is a great idea to start with the strappy ones before upgrading them into leaner ones. Straps and buckles help keep your foot in place and provide more support. Try an ankle strap, a tie, lace-up shoe, or elastic criss-cross straps which are adjustable for more comfort.
Silicon Cushions
Silicon cushions are great when it comes to providing some respite to aching feet. They are fitted with a comforting gel and prove to be helpful support when you are in your pencil heels, pumps, stilettos or any kind of heel that puts pressure on your heel. Pop a pack in your pair of heels and feel the undeniable difference. These little silicon secrets will make your heels comfortable.
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Stretch Them Out
If your new heels are too tight when you put them on immediately, I guarantee you by evening the situation will have gotten way worse and you may probably end up taking a quick trip to purchase band-aids at the end of the day. Always spend your time breaking in your new shoes before wearing them to that big event or a long day at work. A little more space can mean a lot more comfortable. Try out these tips to stretch out your heel.
Ice Baby
Fill plastic bags with water and make sure there is no air left in the bags before sealing them. Put the bags inside your shoes and place them in the freezer for about 4 to 8 hours. Water will expand as it freezes and stretches your heels out. Take them out and let them sit at room temperature until the ice thaws to a point where you can take the bags out.
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Use a Blow Dryer
Heat also works wonders when it comes to ways on how to make your heels comfortable.. Blowing your hairdryer on a warm or hot setting across the top of the shoe can make the shoe more flexible. You can either do this while wearing the shoe or while they are off. If you want to do this with your heels on, grab a pair of your thickest socks or multiple socks put them on, and slip on your heels. Concentrate the dryer on the parts of your shoe that feel too tight while still moving your feet around as the dryer is blowing for about 30 seconds. Walk around with the socks and heels on (I know you low-key think it’s a cute look) to break those shoes in.
If they are off, after blowing them with warm air, twist the sole or whichever part that is hurting you while they are malleable enough to loosen them.
Use Deodorant
Roll transparent deodorant beneath any area of the shoe especially your straps to prevent chafing. This will ensure they glide instead of rubbing on. Rubbing on deodorant on the back and sides of your feet also helps as it eases the friction between your skin and tough new shoe material, preventing blisters. Always make sure the deodorant is dry before putting on your heels.
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Walk the Walk
Have you ever seen Kendall Jenner strut down the runway in killer stilettos as if it wasn’t a big deal? The secret on how to make your heels comfortable may lay in her posture. Always make sure you are standing as straight as you can without leaning forward or backward and engage your core. When walking, always lead with the ball of the foot as your weight and pressure on your heel can make the heel collapse if you lead with your heel first.
Last but not least, PRACTICE HOW TO WALK! Walking in heels isn’t monkey business, it is an acquired skill. Practice at home while doing your chores and make sure you feel comfortable and confident in them before taking them out. We don’t want you wobbling down the street all in the name of fashion like you have two left feet.
Remember to start with a heel you are 100% comfortable in as you gradually level up. I hope these hacks on how to make your heels comfortable will help you a big deal. What do you do to make sure your heels stay comfortable all day or night? Share in the comments below.
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