Lean Legs Workout Program for Ladies that Promises to Whip You into Shape

Could this Lean Legs Program be the Key to Female Fat Loss?

Lean Legs Workout Program for Ladies that Promises to Whip You into ShapeHave you ever worked your ass off to lose some body fat but nothing happened? You followed the routine day in and day out and did what the instructor ordered but the changes were minimal if any. And then the frustration crawled in like a familiar stranger in the night and pushed you to give up on your legs. Well, it happened to me (but I never gave up, just took a break). About a week ago, I came across a lean legs workout program from the D5 Gym in Dubai that is tailored only for females which seemed interesting. And according to the Founder & Head Coach of D5 Executive Gym and creator of this renowned program – James Heagney, understanding that the male and female bodies work in very different ways is key and therefore requires a diverse and varied approach to one another.
The lean legs workout program

This program, says James, was created following the overwhelming desire from clients, specifically females, to target the lower body from a fat loss perspective. “The stubborn fat, as it is so commonly referred to, is stubborn for a number of reasons,” he explains adding that the main problem, however, lies in the mismanagement of estrogen metabolism. The programming addresses the root cause and tackles the issue effectively with the ground-breaking, and science-based lean legs workout program.

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Understand Your Body

Lean Legs Workout Program for Ladies that Promises to Whip You into Shape“Understanding why your body is storing fat in your legs is the key to changing your body shape for good,” says James, noting that everything happens for a reason within the body and applying a scientific approach along with exercise, nutrition, and supplementation is how we have found the key to success. “To make it a success, I invested an enormous amount of time and trial-based work into building the workout program over a lengthy period to ensure it became a very comprehensive approach to female fat loss with no stone left unturned.”

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It’s all about female fat loss

Female Fat loss, continues James, can be seen as navigating a maze with a blindfold. “We remove the blindfold and give you a map to get out. And when you have the answers to your health problems, all that’s left is for you to take action.”

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I’m sure you are waiting to see the A-Z of the lean legs workout program, but as James mentioned above, it is tailor-made according to your body and taught on a one on one basis to ensure each individual receives optimal attention and a tailor-made experience. And in turn, it provides powerful and long-lasting results. If you are really interested in the program, you can check it out here.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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