How to Stay Healthy During Ramadan Effectively
As with anything, preparation is key. Fasting may only last for 30-days, however, considerable thought should go into the days, weeks and months, leading up to Ramadan.
I first prepare for the caffeine withdrawal. Two weeks before Ramadan begins, I start to prepare my body and delay my morning coffee to the afternoon which reduces the risk of headaches. You should try to fast one day a week in the lead up to Ramadan, increasing this to a couple of days if you can. That is what I normally do with my kids. We start with half a day and increase the time over the months until we reach a full day. This allows an adjustment period for our bodies and decreases the side effects of fasting.
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Manage Your Eating Habits
Learning how to stay healthy during Ramadan is all about how you manage your eating habits. If you eat and drink properly between Suhoor and Iftar, you will give your body what it needs to cope with fasting.
The right carbohydrates will give you energy; ensure that they are high in water and fiber and low in sugar. Make salads and soups; carbohydrates do not just mean rice, bread, and pasta, add high-value carbs to your soups such as sweet potatoes, beets, squash, and broccoli or add green leafy vegetables to your salad.
And with an unusual sleeping pattern, fish is the best source of protein as it is light, highly nutritional and full of good fats. If you do, however, want to consume red meat, ensure you are leaving 4-6 hours until you sleep as you may encounter digestive problems if you don’t. Don’t obsess about evening sleeping habits, you can sleep during the day, but you cannot eat during the day, so prioritize meal times. Split the main meal into three or four portions, and steer clear of traditional fried foods and sweets shared at gatherings.
Also, remember that good fats are not bad, people should understand the value and benefits of fat in the body. Good fats include vegetable oils, raw nuts, and avocado, not fried fat or high sugar food.
RELATED: Cheat Sheet to Breaking your Fast and Not your Scales During Ramadan
Portion Control
Ramadan for many is a period of lower calorie intake and therefore weight-loss. However, for some people, if not managed properly, weight gain can occur immediately after Ramadan. One of the most common habits I see is people indulging in unhealthy food as a reward.
People think because they have been good for one month they can stop monitoring what they eat and if they do manage to lose any weight, they regain it straight away. I have clients who continue to fast for two to three days over a period of a couple of weeks to help them to adjust, as it is an effective way to keep the weight off. But if you do go straight back to three meals a day, to try having smaller portions, not pre-Ramadan size.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
One of the most common questions I get asked is how to stay fit during Ramadan, in addition to how to stay healthy during Ramadan. The hard truth of the matter is that you can lose that great body in a month if you do nothing. You need to exercise your muscles in order to feed them. I have people training early morning and late at night, they finish work, they pray, have their meal and then work out. Some of our clubs are open until 1 am and the majority extend their operational hours during the holy month so there’s no excuse.
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Drink Your Water
Hydration is possibly the most critical thing during Ramadan. Drinking enough water is vital, particularly as Ramadan is now falling in the hotter months of the year. If you eat too much you are not drinking enough water. Your body needs two to three cups of water at any one time. But if you drink in excess, water will turn to urine and not be absorbed. People have problems with digestion and constipation whilst fasting and it is because of dehydration.
Finally, Is Fasting Good For You?
Fasting has to be done in the right way. I would never advise anyone to fast for days at a time but for 12-18 hours at a time. If you can control your cravings then great, but if you fast and then reward yourself with unhealthy food it’s not good for you.
Aside from the people who fast for the health benefits, I have respect for those (non-muslims) who try to fast over Ramadan to understand the process. You can try and if you don’t feel comfortable, tired or sick you can break it. This goes for anyone on medication too, remember that you can break it.
Ultimately life is all about balance. Have the right balance between nutrition and fitness and you’ll have the best results. It is all in your mind. If you convince yourself it is easy, it will be easy and it will go quickly. There will always be ups and downs so you need to know how to manage yourself.
READ MORE: 5 Nutrition Tips that will Help you Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle
Remember the True Reason for Fasting
If you are fasting, don’t lose sight of the real reason behind it. We fast to remind ourselves of how it feels to be hungry. There are a lot of people dying from hunger, they don’t have any access to food and so we have to appreciate what we have. As soon as you remember this, and follow these tips on how to stay healthy during Ramadan, it is far easier to control your cravings and food intake.
About the Author
Banin Shahine has been the resident nutrition expert at Fitness First for over five years. As someone who has fasted most of her life, she is perfectly placed to provide insightful advice and tips on how best to manage the effects that fasting has on our bodies.