And after getting over the initial pain of burning in the sun, next comes the dreaded peeling skin. It’s always best to protect your skin by wearing a strong factor SPF sun tan lotion, and also avoid sitting in the sun for an excessive period of time. However, if like many of us, you do end up leaving the beach with a red glow, it’s important to know how to treat your peeling sunburned skin.
Nada Ward, founder of soap bar brand, Beauty Kin, has stepped back into The Beautiful Lifestyle Online to share her advice on the best way to care for your skin after burning and how to best treat your peeling skin.
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How to Care for Sunburned Skin
Nada notes: “As much as I’m a huge advocate of taking good care of your skin, I have to admit, we’ve all been there after spending one too many hours out in the sun and looking in the mirror to see you’re glowing bright red.”
Here are some of the ways you can care for your skin after a sunburn:
1. Soothe the burn
First thing’s first, you need to treat the burn and do your best to relieve any pain that may be occurring. A cold shower will help cool the area a lot.
Nada says: “I’d recommend using a cold, wet flannel or ice and apply this to the areas where you’ve burnt to help soothe and cool them. The after-sun lotion is now your best friend, be sure to lather plenty on your skin, especially overnight.”
A lotion that contains Aloe vera works the best for pain relief and soothing the skin as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Or alternatively, you can always opt for pure Aloe vera gel, if preferred. This should help to prevent or soothe any blistering that may occur.
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2. Hydration
After suffering sunburn, you need to keep yourself super hydrated. Drink plenty of cold water on a regular basis to stay hydrated. If the burn is still causing you pain, some people choose to take over-the-counter pain relief medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
3. Treating peeling skin
Once you have got over the initial pain of the sunburn, next comes the dreaded peeling. Yes, it can be very tempting to pick away at the peeling skin, and you may think it’s a good idea to try and exfoliate it away. However, Nada says: “This is never a good idea, as the skin may not be ready to be removed, and this could lead to further pain, or in some cases, the fresh skin below could even become infected.
Continue with cold showers or baths, but ensure you take extra care when drying off, patting yourself dry with a towel rather than rubbing hard, which may remove the dead skin too early. I know it’s frustrating, but trust your body’s natural healing process.”
4. Stay out of the sun
Once you’ve started to peel, you may think it’s safe to go back to the sun. However, you should try and keep the peeling areas out of the sun. Keep the burn covered up with loose-fitting clothing, or if you are planning on going out and about, wear super strength factor 50 sun cream.
Nada adds: “This is important as your sunburned skin is more prone to UV damage from the sun for several weeks after suffering a burn. We all want to get back out in the sun and top up that tan, but we also must consider the potential long-term damage that the sun can do to our skin if we don’t take due care.”
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5. Make moisturizer your friend
Try to keep your sunburned skin well moisturized and nourished, applying moisturizer on a regular basis to help soften the skin and aid the healing process. Continuing to keep yourself hydrated will also help to reduce the amount of skin peeling, so make sure you’re taking time to drink plenty of water throughout the day.