My appointment was with the lovely Ms. Amira Nassar, Laser and Skincare Expert at one of Dubai’s top cosmetic clinics. If you read my previous skin treatment reviews you’ll notice that she has dealt with my temperamental skin a couple of times, which means this will not be a blind Hollywood peel review.
The Visit
When I walk into her office/treatment room, I find her smiley as usual. As I’m sitting there waiting for her to pull out some Zaatar bread or maybe cucumbers (she does that most of the times I’m there) nothing happens, instead, she tells me that the treatment won’t take long. Eileen, the assistant, walks in and says it’s time to cleanse my face before we get started on the Hollywood peel review. As I’m lying on the bed, I start to wonder why there’s no Zaatar bread anymore (we know can be hard at times), but I let it go and try to focus on the carbon laser treatment.
Prepping the skin
Amira pops over to the side of the bed and informs me that we will not be doing a hydrating facial beforehand like we usually do with every other treatment because we had done it about a week before. So, Eileen goes in straight with the deep cleansing, which gets rid of any makeup, oils, debris, sweat, and whatever else that might be hiding there. The cleansing is pretty straightforward, takes about 5 minutes. Afterward, there’s the toning (to open up pores, etc.), which is also another piece of cake.
Finally, the Hollywood Peel Review
Finally, it is time to start the carbon laser treatment. I’m calling it a process because it involves several steps. First up is the application of the medical carbon cream, which, by the way, is quite black. It’s like having your face smeared with petrol engine oil that is way over its sell-by-date (but I assure you that is not the case). After the application, I have to wait for about 10 – 15 minutes for the carbon cream to penetrate deep into the pores. As we are waiting, I ask Amira what the carbon does (for conversation’s sake). According to her, it acts as a photo enhancer, which vaporizes when it comes in contact with the laser beam.
Finally, everything is dry and it’s time for the fireworks to begin. After the eye shields are in place, and the laser machine powers up, Amira sweetly asks if I’m ready, to which I respond: “let’s do this”.
SEE ALSO: Review: Glycolic Acid Skin Peel 50%
Carbon laser treatment
The first shot of the laser beam onto my carbon-covered face gives me a slight jolt (a sharp clicking sound and all), but it’s not so bad. After that I’m relaxed and she goes through it very smoothly. Happy that it’s over and I did not chicken out, Amira tells me that we are now going to cause micro-explosions on my face (at least that’s what my brain is saying). I clench my jaws and decide to take it in and live to tell the tale.
The carbon laser itself is not really painful, but the sound produced when the laser comes in contact with the liquid carbon is enough to make anybody like me run for the hills. The micro-explosions combined with the burning smell of the carbon, warmth on the face, and a touch of pins and needles with every jolt are enough to swear off the Hollywood peel. On the other hand, if you ignore what’s happening and drift off, then it’s quite easy and painless. Soon it’s over and Eileen cleans my face and puts on a calming mask, straight from the fridge (I swear I could hear my skin ask me what it had done to warrant such punishment).
What the Hollywood peel is good for
As the mask is busy calming my face, I ask Amira what the treatment will do for my skin. She explains that it is a skin resurfacing treatment that rips out the top-most dead layer of your skin with every micro-explosion. This exfoliates the skin and cleans out the pores while at it. In addition, the carbon laser treatment stimulates collagen, evens out your skin tone, makes your skin radiant, and finally tightens enlarged pores.
READ MORE: Anti-aging and Skincare Trends You Need to Try at Least Once
The following day…
The downtime is quite minimal after the procedure (apart from my skin feeling hot). The next day my skin was visibly brighter and smoother than before. So, yes, I would recommend the Hollywood peel for anybody who needs a quick skin-pick-me-up.
Just to mention, 4 days after my Hollywood peel review, both sides of my face broke out, and I was at a loss what caused it. It could have been a number of things, including hormones, but then again maybe my skin is not a good candidate for the carbon laser treatment. I think I’ll have to do some more research on that. At the end of the day, we all have different skin types, which means what works for Amina might not work for Fatma or Amani.
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.
ooo interesting!
Quite so 😉
Im facing the same problem.. both sides of my face broke out on 3rd day … i was so worried.. now i know it was because of the carbon laser facial… how long did it take to heal?
Sorry to hear. I switched my cleanser to one that contains salicylic acid, as well as my sunscreen – for acne-prone skin types. Took about 7 days for everything to clear up.
Hope your skin clears up soon.
This is cool. But I think it’s always good to make a little research about a new skin treatment before trying it out in order to avoid complications like skin cancer.
Totally agree…