Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and Tested - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and Tested

Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedWhen it comes to hair removal, I’ve been around the block. I’ve tried the most common hair removal methods available, and in the end, I settled for two (because one needs the other for maintenance purposes).

Most of us have some unwanted hairy situations on our bodies that we would love to get rid of permanently. Unfortunately, there are no hair removal methods that would permanently get rid of hair (regardless of what the commercials tell you). The closest the so-called hair removal methods come to is permanent hair reduction.

So, to help you out in your ‘hair reduction’ journey, I have compiled a couple of hair removal methods which I have done since I started getting rid of my body hair.

Hair Removal Methods You Should Know About


Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedOf course, shaving is first on the list. It’s the first method I used to make my hairy body less hairy back in my teens. In addition, it’s the most popular, cheapest and easy to do; not to mention you don’t need a professional to do it for you. All you need for a perfect shave is a shaving gel, a fresh and clean blade, and a moisturizer afterward depending on how your skin gets after a shave. Also, don’t forget to soak the body part to be shaved in water before doing the deed. The only downside to shaving is that the same hair grows back within a couple of days. Follow this link to know more about the art of shaving from the professionals.


Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedI did this only once, and the pain that comes with it was a tad bit too much for me even if it was momentarily. Waxing works by practically pulling the hair from the roots (ouch), which means it takes longer for it to grow back (about 3-5 weeks). If you’ve never done waxing, or you want it done safely without any blowbacks, go to a certified professional who knows this kind of thing. Also, if you suffer from any kind of skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis among others, don’t do any kind of waxing on that area; it will only make it worse.


Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedHair removal using an epilator will give you another ouch moment, not unless you decide to numb yourself (not necessary). An epilator is an at-home hair removal device that works by rotating, grabbing unsuspecting hair by the head, and then yanking them out from the root. This device can be used on any part of the body but you have to cleanse and exfoliate the area before epilating, after which you have to moisturize. Just like waxing, the hair takes a minute to grow back. The downside though, you can end up with ingrown hairs.

Hair Removal Creams

Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedI don’t have an idea of how many brands of hair removal creams are out there, but I have tried only Veet. They are made from certain chemicals (you can tell from the smell) that work by dissolving the keratin in hair. All you have to do is apply a thick layer of the stuff on the target hairy area, wait a few minutes, and then wipe it off. If you are lucky, you’ll remain with a smooth hairless skin. If not, then you’ll notice a few strands of hair that were not bothered by the strength of the cream (coarse hairs). I experienced this, so it’s not one of my favorites, because I had to follow through with a light shave.

It is a painless technique, but you might feel a slight tingling sensation. Just in case it feels like it’s burning, wash off the cream immediately. After all is said and done, expect the hair to grow back in two or three days.

Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal Methods I Have Tried and TestedLaser hair removal, in my opinion, is the most effective of these hair removal methods. After I tried it for the first time a couple of years ago, I got addicted. Most marketing materials claim this technique removes hair permanently. This is untrue because all it does is reduce hair permanently by killing it at the root. This means that every time the hair grows back, it becomes thinner and thinner with each session, to the point where you are left with vellus hair, which is light, short and very fine. And all you need to maintain until your next session is a slight shave.

Regardless of what you’ve heard, modern lasers are effective on all skin types and hair, and even add a touch of skin rejuvenation with every session. And speaking of sessions, so far I had about six sessions on my underarms in the last 3 years, and the last session was about 9 months ago (go figure). Oh, and yes, the laser is my favorite of all the hair removal methods. And just in case you feel any pain while undergoing laser hair removal, you’ll need to find yourself a new laser therapist!

Which is your favorite of all the popular hair removal methods? Share in the comments section below.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


  1. Great article! I’m curious if you’ve tried IPL? Personally I’ve had great results with it but the quality of the machine and the technicians knowledge definitely make a difference when it comes to getting the outcome you want.

  2. Haven’t tried Intense Pulsed Light yet, but I’ll keep my eye out for it… 😉

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