A leather handbag is often the one real investment a woman’s willing to make when it comes to her wardrobe department. However, it’s also the one item that requires the most tender loving care, especially when you’ve invested a lot of money into it. Leather, in all its subtle beauty, is a statement, lifting any outfit to the next level of cool sophistication. Yet as a material that endures its fair share of all weather conditions, sometimes it also needs a little tender loving care! Humidity, air conditioning, and dust can affect the lifespan of leather just as much as it affects the volume of our hair.
Barbara Cortelazzi, Founder of luxury leather handbag label, Alberto Sartori, shares her top tips on caring for your leather handbag, so you can confidently grab and go for many years to come.
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Do’s and Don’ts of Caring For Your Leather Handbag
1. Do protect your leather handbag with protective treatment creams
As exciting as it is to show off your new handbag, this step should be done on the day you bring it home. By applying a protective coating, you can bank on a long and happy life for your leather. Doing this regularly, preferably every two to three months, will continue to provide your bag with protective armor and keep it in top condition. Just be sure to always do a spot test when it comes to using any product on the leather to check the reaction first.
2. Do have stains removed straight away by a professional
Like any stain, the quicker it is treated, the more likely it will not permanently damage the bag. If a stain appears, take the bag directly to the store of purchase or a professional, as they should be able to bring the bag back to its original condition.
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3. Don’t touch your bag with wet, dirty, or just moisturized hands
Your leather handbag is highly vulnerable to absorbing grease and oils. Use a damp white cotton cloth to wipe down the leather, ensuring not to use too much water. Never dry it with a hairdryer as this will dry out the natural oils in the leather. Allow the bag to air dry, then condition it and store it.
4. Do moisturize your bag with a conditioner
The leather will likely dry out over time so making sure to use a conditioner once a month will avoid any flaking or wrinkling. Put a small amount of conditioner on a soft cloth and rub gently all over, leave for 10 minutes, and remove any excess.
5. Don’t wear dark colors with light colored leather
Leather can easily be stained by clothing dyes that rub off onto it. If you want to wear a light colored leather handbag, perhaps save wearing your dark jeans for another day. If it does get stained, take it to a professional so they can remove it without causing further damage.
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6. Do store your bag correctly
Storing your leather handbag is just as important as the upkeep. Using your bag every day will inevitably wear it out, so better to switch it up and rotate between bags. When not in use, fill the bag with some sort of stuffing, such as butter paper, and place the bag in a dust bag or pillowcase. Do not use newspaper to stuff the bag as the print will smear and stain the insides.
These tips are super important. There’s no point spending a tonne of money on if you’re not going to look after it… Says me. Haha!
Totally true 😉