7 Hacks on How to Give Yourself a Flawless Manicure at Home

7 Hacks on How to Give Yourself a Flawless Manicure at Home

7 Hacks on How to Give Yourself a Flawless Manicure at HomeSometimes getting a decent manicure done at a salon can cost you an ‘arm and a leg’ depending on where you want to get it done. The traffic (in my case) can also be a pain. But, what if you could give yourself a pro manicure at home? Well, Essence cosmetics have come through for us with some easy and simple tips on how to give yourself a flawless manicure at home.

If you’re wondering how you’ll hack it, or if you need one of those fancy armchairs, well… truth be told it’s really not that hard to get a professional-looking manicure at home. The best bit is you can even do it in the comfort of your own couch, with one eye on the TV.

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7 Tips For a Flawless Manicure at Home

Tip 1: Prep!

Always make sure that your cuticles are soft and moisturized, you can use your favorite cuticle oil before you go to bed. Most importantly, never cut your cuticles, push them back if you’d like to. For this, you can use “essence rosewood sticks”.

Tip 2: Be Gentle

Remember, you are not carrying a saw and your nail is not a wooden log, so file your nails gently and in one direction to avoid splitting and causing tiny cracks in your nails. A nail file with medium graining is ideal for shortening and shaping your nail.

7 Hacks on How to Give Yourself a Flawless Manicure at Home

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Tip 3: Don’t Shake the Nail Polish

The most common, most spontaneous, yet completely wrong act that many of us do is shaking the nail polish before using it. To avoid getting air bubbles in your nail polish, do it the right way and just hold it vertically and rub it between your palms.

Tip 4: Wipe Excess Oil

While giving yourself a manicure at home, always start off with a clean slate! Use a cotton pad or an alcohol swab and wipe any excess oil on your nails before you use nail polish

Tip 5: 3 Strokes

Now let’s get to the actual Picasso act, Painting! Each nail should take you 3 seconds, as you only need 3 strokes. You start with one stroke starting at the base of your nails to the left, then one stroke to the right, then one stroke from base to middle. Here you go, nailed it!!7 Hacks on How to Give Yourself a Flawless Manicure at Home

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Tip 6: Fast Drying

If you are a girl on the go and wish to have long-lasting, and high shine nails, drying your nail polish fast is key. After using the “the gel nail polish” from essence add a drop or two of “express dry drops” to help dry your nail polish faster.

Tip 7: Use Non-acetone Nail Polish Remover

When you want to switch colors, or if you simply want to give your nails a break, use non-acetone nail polish remover as it not as harsh and will not cause excessive drying to your nails.

What are some of the simple tips you use when giving yourself a manicure at home?

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


  1. Mashibaby

    Thank you for these nail tips!

  2. Oh Ohh, you’re not alone. I learned that about 2 years ago and my nails love me for it. Thanks for stopping by 😉

  3. Some great ideas! Hehe my nails are quite short atm tho do you have a post on growing out your nails?

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