“Gone are the days when people associated pole dancing with night clubs and bars. Now it is considered as one of the best sports in town to burn more calories, lose weight, keep your body strength and of course for a perfect girl bonding,” says Rania.
And here are Rania’s reasons on why you should dry up, remove your excess oil and jump into the bandwagon of fit and fab women. We are sure you will also love to show the world your stamina, strength and stability on the pole.
Pole dancing will take you from Flabs to Abs
Many women admit to losing and burning more calories on the pole than with jogging or running. This is because with pole dancing, you need to keep on moving. We all know that to get those perfect 6 pack abs or flat stomach, we need to first remove all the excess fats that cover it.
From Charm to Confidence
In pole dancing, you will never be forced to do something that you cannot. Most of the pole dancing studios such as Milan Pole Dance studio offer classes for beginners and neophytes. In addition they provide gurus to guide you all throughout your course. From the moment you hold the pole, there is a certain charm and magic that every woman will surely feel and from there. Slowly you will learn how to hold your grip, dance through it and build your endurance, fortitude and confidence.
From Art to Being Smart
Pole dancing is considered art in the modern generation. However, pole dancing also makes you smart as it develops a balance on your ‘kinesthetic awareness’. This is the ability of your brain to figure out and calculate your relation to the object that surrounds you, making you sharper.
From Sticks to Stones
Pole dancing is a passion for combining dance and acrobatics. It is centered on a vertical pole. And from a stick that stands like a scary monster, continuous patience and practice will make you a true master. It can make you a stone or a rock. At the end of the day, you will feel stronger than you were yesterday.
Go From Strong to Squad with Pole Dancing
Pole dancing is one of the most fun sports a woman could do with her girlfriends. It will never be boring as there is always something new to learn every time you train. It is also a perfect activity for your ‘squad goals’ as it is true that ‘friends who work out together stay together’.
I think I have found my new pastime, in addition to hula hooping for a happy mind!
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.