According to him, a little progress each day goes a long way. “The trick is to trick your mind. Don’t find any excuses. The gym is packed? Have a home workout routine instead. New movie release on Netflix? Add it to your list and save for later.”
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Whether you are a beginner or a professional trainer, here is a simple yet effective home workout routine that can help you start or maintain your fitness journey.
Weekly Home Workout Routine
Monday – Warm-Up
What makes a great workout? Two words: warm-up. Preparing your body before going full-on in any physical activity is like warning your mind and body that you are about to do something that requires a bit more energy than usual.
Benefit: Helps you prepare physically and mentally while improving blood flow and muscle flexibility to avoid any serious injury.
Suggested exercises
- Slow Jump – Lift each leg alternately while slow jumping.
- Stretch – Put one arm up and lean on the opposite side while extending your reach. Repeat on both sides.
- Body Rotation – Slowly move your waist in a circular motion to the left and to the right.
- Cool Down – Breathe in, breathe out.
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Tuesday – Shoulder and Chest
Do you want to make your shoulders and chest look more attractive? You don’t actually need that heavy gym equipment to achieve it. All you need is a pair of dumbbells for this home workout routine and you’re good to go.
Benefit: Builds muscles while strengthening and increasing the size of the shoulders and chest
Suggested exercises:
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise – Holding one dumbbell on each hand, slowly raise your arm to your sides until they’re level with your shoulders then slowly lower it.
- Military press – Hold one dumbbell on each hand and bring it to shoulder level. Extend arms straight and slowly lower them back to your shoulders.
- Regular push-up – Start by doing at least 5-10 reps.
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Wednesday – Abs
Constantly thinking about how to achieve a flat stomach with six-pack abs? Well, I suggest stopping thinking and start doing now.
Benefit: Reduces back pain, improves overall posture, and gives you an amazingly flat stomach.
Suggested exercises:
- Sit-up – Lie on your back, place your hand on the back of your head and raise your torso until you reach an almost sitting position.
- Leg Raise – Lie on your back and raise your legs until they’re perpendicular to the floor then slowly lower your legs while maintaining control.
- Toe-touch – Lie on your back and lift your legs up while reaching your hands towards your toes
Thursday – Legs
While some dislike doing leg work whether it’s a home workout routine or at the gym, others are always looking forward to leg days. Why? Because leg muscles are the biggest muscle group in your body, it engages almost every muscle which in turn gives a big afterburn effect.
Benefit: Speeds up metabolism, therefore, burning more calories, engages almost every muscle
Suggested exercises:
- Squat jump – Squat down then jump as high as you can while bending your knees to a 45-degree land.
- Lunges – Put the right foot forward, lower left knee to about 1 inch from the ground then switch.
- Glute Bridge – Lie on your back, bend your knees then push your hip up.
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Friday – Glutes
If you do enjoy doing squats, good for you. This is actually the best exercise that you can do to strengthen your butt while improving its shape and size.
Benefit: Toned and stronger glutes, strengthens lower back and leg muscles.
Suggested exercise:
Squats. Lots of it. Try doing different variations to mix it up a little.
Saturday – Back
It takes a lot of work to achieve a sculpted back but with a consistent home workout routine, you will get there in no time.
Benefit: Improves stance and posture, strengthens upper body muscles.
Suggested exercises:
- Alternate Dumbbell Row – Bend forward with one dumbbell on each hand then row alternately to your side.
- Burpee – Bend down into a squat position then quickly thrust your legs behind so you’ll end up in a push-up position then bring your legs back up and jump quickly.
Sunday – Relaxation
Rest is equally important as working out on a daily basis. You need to give your body some time to just relax and recover from a week’s worth of physical activities. Now’s actually the perfect time to pull out that Netflix movie you saved for later and just, you know, chill.
Do you have any home workout routine? We’d like to hear about it. Feel free to share in the comments.
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.