My body is quite trim, but I had a little fat pocket on the lower abdomen that seems to turn into a smiley face every time I look at it. It has never responded to any kind of exercise, and diet is officially not my thing. This is the main reason why I decided to give the fat freezing treatment a go. Just to note, CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment, it is an FDA-approved fat reduction non-surgical treatment that sculpts different areas of the body like the chin, abdomen, back, flanks, banana roles, inner and outer thighs, and upper arms.
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My CoolSculpting Review
I won’t dwell so much on the consultation, because it was quite simple and straight to the point. The plastic surgeon pinched and poked, then drew markers on my belly, where he was going to freeze the fat. He had to make sure I had not had any recent surgery, pre-existing hernia, and any known sensitivities or allergies. Additionally, he mentioned that I could not have the fat freezing treatment if I suffer from cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, or cold agglutinin disease. Lucky for me, I was cleared to go ahead with my CoolSculpting review.
The Fat Freezing Treatment
For the treatment, I had to put on a comfortable disposable garment and sit halfway on one of those clinic beds, with my back supported. I think it was specifically made for the CoolSculpting treatment, which was quite comfortable I must say. After the specialist made sure I was very comfortable, she placed a gel-like fabric on the stubborn fat pocket, then attached the cooling vacuum, and covered me with a blanket.
Immediately there was a sensation of pulling and pinching, as the device attached itself. Then there was a feeling of discomfort, like a combination of tugging and intense cold. I remember thinking that I could not survive that for a whole 45 minutes, but my lovely nurse assured me that the feeling will disappear in less than 10 minutes. True to her word, before I knew it, everything in that area was numb. So, I had about 35 minutes to do whatever I wanted, as long as I sat still without moving. Well, with a smartphone in my hand and Netflix on the wall, what could go wrong?
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After the Treatment
In no time, the fat freezing treatment was over, and it was time to unattach the cooling vacuum. The area was completely numb, so I didn’t feel much. She started massaging that particular area in order to break down the fatty tissue, and even though I could not feel anything for the first few minutes, it must have been painful because I developed this sudden intense headache coupled with nausea. When she finished kneading my poor abdomen, she tried telling me to lay down and rest, but I knew the only way to stop what I was feeling was to walk it off. And within a minute or two, the sick feeling and headache were gone.
It’s Not Over Until It’s Over
Since I had read about it, even spoke to another plastic surgeon about this fat freezing treatment, I thought my CoolSculpting review was done, and now all I had to do was simply sit back and wait for the results. To my shock, that was not the case. The first night was uncomfortable but bearable. Come morning and it was a different story. My lower abdomen was swollen, painful, and numb (I can’t describe it in one word).
Wearing pants was a problem because regardless of how loose the waist was, it still could not comfortably close, so I had to settle for a lose-fitting dress. Additionally, the therapist advised me to wear a compression garment, which luckily, I had and had been wasting its existence in my closet for the last two years. Putting it on was another task, but it fit snuggly, and everything felt better.
The day at the office was spent feeling sore. Whoever said this fat freezing treatment is painless was either lying, or I have a very low pain threshold, which I think is a big lie, but it’s ok; you can go ahead and call me a big baby. So, at this point was I regretting having agreed to the CoolSculpting review? Damn straight I was!
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It Gets Better with Time
As the days went by, it went from worse to bad then better. The skin on the target area was numb, then it was itchy, and since it was numb, scratching that itch was not working (very frustrating). In addition to the discomfort (fancy word for pain), there was this feeling like I was carrying low-lying egg loosely attached to my lower abdomen every time I was not wearing the compression garment. After about 7 to 10 days, I got used to the garment, and by that time sensation was slowly returning to the frozen area, swelling going down, and pain, sorry, the discomfort was slowly crawling away.
Six weeks after my CoolSculpting Review, I sort of felt normal but not 100% normal. I could see my smiley tummy disappearing. 8 weeks down the line, I can see a clear difference between when I did the fat freezing treatment, and now. I have lost a couple of inches, and the little love handles I had seemed to have disappeared for some reason.
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The Verdict – CoolSculpting Review
- Whoever tells you that CoolSculpting or any fat freezing treatment is painless, or it has zero downtime and whatnot, he’s either lying or my treatment was a lie (which I doubt).
- Also, bear in mind that different people have different experiences, so feel free to ignore the above statement.
- If you want to lose inches from certain areas of your body without surgery, then CoolSculpting is your treatment.
- My CoolSculpting review was done in only one cycle (or session).
- The treatment sculpts the body; it doesn’t help you lose weight.
- And would I do the treatment again? Well, I might if circumstances literally forced me to hook myself onto that freezing vacuum.
- If you are wondering what happens to the fat after it has been frozen inside your body, well, it dies then it’s eliminated gradually through the lymphatic system.
Finally, if you’re interested in having a fat freezing treatment, make sure you go to a licensed clinic, with the original/latest Allergan-made CoolSculpting system. Otherwise, you might find yourself needing 3 cycles or more to see any kind of results (if any), and not to mention anything else that might go wrong. Remember, cheap is always expensive in the long run.
So, have you ever thought of having a fat freezing treatment? What more would you like to know that I haven’t covered in my CoolSculpting review? Feel free to ask in the comments.
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.