I admired her beautiful nails and wished for the day mine would look like hers. During the school holidays I would try to let my nails grow like hers but they never did. They would become soft then break before my mother caught up with her clippers. Years later, without even realizing it, my nails just grew longer than ever.
The Most Beautiful Nails
Every Saturday evening, you can always catch me filing and polishing my beautiful nails to my heart’s desire, just like I wished years ago. When I visit my mother she is always asking when my nails decided to grow because they never showed any sign of ever growing. Then I would respond that maybe they just got sick and tired of all the breaking.
Unfortunately, a couple of months back, my beautiful nails started chipping out of the blue. I tried to figure out why because I did not do anything different from what I have been doing to warrant them abandoning me like this. So I threw caution to the air and decided to try some biotin supplements, which I read are good for the hair, skin and nails. Three months later, my nails are doing much better, and they are stronger than ever; but don’t ask me about the hair or skin. If you are really curious, you can check out essential oils for skin beauty and how you can keep your hair healthy and beautiful.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I decided to do some research on the best foods for strong beautiful nails. This is because not everybody would want to swallow biotin supplements every morning.
Vitamin H aka Biotin
Well, biotin is great for strengthening weak nails, and unlike me who is relying on the supplements, you can always get it from certain foods like bananas, lentils, peanuts and beans.
Proteins are very essential for your health; regardless if they are animal or plant based. By feeding on foods rich in protein, you will be giving your nails (and hair) a ‘strong’ reason to make you proud. Proteins like eggs, poultry and low fat red meats strengthen the keratin that sustains your nails (and yes hair too).
For your body to produce the proteins that are essential for your nails, you need zinc. This can be found in foods like oysters, beef, lobster, chicken, and green beans.
If your nails are dull and brittle, chances are very high that you are lacking enough iron in your body. So to better your chances of strong beautiful strong nails, you have to up your iron intake by eating foods like spinach, eggs (I love spinach and eggs), sea food, red meats (lean), and iron-fortified cereals.
Omega 3 fatty acids
We have talked about omega 3s a number of times, which makes me think that they are essential for almost everything good in your body. Since these fatty acids reduce inflammation, which impairs the healthy growth of your nails, I would say chomp on some salmon, which also contains considerable amounts of biotin. Talk of killing two birds with one stone. As for me, like I mentioned earlier, I prefer omega 3 supplements which I take on a daily basis. And my beautiful nails are thanking me now.
If your nails are failing, I would recommend you visit a specialist before embarking on self diagnosis. Otherwise, maintain a healthy diet and you will have strong beautiful nails in no time!
About the Author
- Esther Lackie
- Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.