Ayurvedic medicine has highlighted the benefits of honey since 4000 years ago, and it continues to impress. Honey’s medicinal capabilities include reducing throat irritations, acts as an anti-fungal and antibacterial, and it is said to reduce gastrointestinal disorders. It also fights aging and has healing compounds. And just in case you were wondering, the studies also suggest that honey can help in weight loss.
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Benefits of Honey for Skin
So what I have come to realize about honey is that there is good and “bad” honey. In my many years of having it with my green tea or lemon water, I am yet to know the difference. But to help you out, good honey is raw (not sure if it is labeled so). This means that the honey has not been treated with heat or pasteurized; which makes it richer in enzymes, nutrients, and anti-oxidants, resulting in more benefits.
Over the years, I have come to really like acacia honey for a number of reasons; but we all have different tastes, so choose whatever tickles your fancy. That aside, when it comes to skin beauty, the amazing benefits of honey abound. I have listed a few of these benefits, together with some mask ideas for a glowing complexion.
Skin Moisturizer
One of the well-known benefits of honey is its ability to moisturize the skin. By applying honey to your skin, it acts as a humectant. This means it draws moisture from the air and retains it on the skin. You can try this out by just applying honey (straight from the jar) to dry areas on your skin. Let it sit there for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Acne treatment
We all know acne treatment can be very tricky. If you are one of us who are always on the lookout for an acne treatment that might eventually work like magic, then you should try this and see if these great benefits of honey are something. To check if it works on those annoying pimples on your face, start by cleaning the skin surface. Apply raw honey on the spot, stay with it for as long as you can then wash it off. And please don’t give up after the first try.
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Fading scars
Another one of the many benefits of honey is its ability to fade scars by decreasing their appearance. The honey also follows up with tissue regeneration to make the scar less and less visible. You can use a mask made out of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Both of these two lighten the skin, hence why they are perfect for scar-fading. FYI, stay with the mask for only 10 to 15 minutes then rinse.
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Honey mixed with baking soda can act as a gentle exfoliator that you can use anywhere on your body, not just the face. Baking soda will do its part in exfoliating while the accompanying honey soothes the skin. The results include a smooth and glowing skin. Just remember to not use the concoction regularly; twice a week is enough. Honestly thinking, this is one of the benefits of honey I might just get addicted to.
Skin repair
Well, I bet you didn’t know this about the benefits of honey. If used in a bath, it will repair and protect your skin. All you have to do is pour about 5 tablespoonfuls of honey into your bath then soak in your tired body. You can stay there for as long as you like or for as long the water is still warm. Afterward, you can have fun cleaning up your tab.