The Angelina Jolie Effect
There is nothing better than when a celebrity uses their fame to put a spotlight on a pressing issue. That was the case of one of the most prominent Hollywood actresses and philanthropists, Angelina Jolie. The removal of both her breasts and their reconstruction in 2013 raised awareness on breast cancer and how women around the world can fight it more effectively.
This has come to be known as the Angelina Jolie Effect and many studies have shown that it has increased knowledge among women of possible precautionary measures. It has also raised awareness of using the patient’s own skin during reconstructive surgery. Dr. David Benjamin Lumenta and his team from Medical University Graz in Austria conducted research on the effect this kind of media coverage has on the public. According to the doctor, since individual choice will become a driving force for patient-centered decision-making in the future, cancer specialists should be aware of public opinion when consulting patients with breast cancer.
This is important on a global level. Women are not only presented with a choice to prevent their cancer radically if a genetic analysis proves that they have the gene but will also help them feel like themselves afterward. The psychological impact on women after a mastectomy can hinder their recovery from a disease as vicious as breast cancer. Cosmetic surgery is tremendously significant in those cases, so the patient can carry on with their life normally.
Improving the Quality of Life
In 2017, plastic surgery once again proved itself. Abul Bajandar from Bangladesh became globally known as the “Tree Man” because of the epidermodysplasia verruciformis. This is a rare disease that causes the growth of bark-like warts without the possibility of stopping them non-surgically. Twenty-seven-year-old Abul couldn’t use his hands and feet, which inevitably would have caused his death.
Samanta Lal Sen, from the Dhaka Medical College Hospital in Bangladesh, said that they had operated on Abul 16 times only to remove five kilograms of warts so he could get his feet and hands back. This is a breakthrough in medical science since it is the first successful plastic surgery on a patient with this rare disease. Now Abul can play with his children and walk through town without being avoided and shunned.
People with congenital defects like craniofacial anomalies or cleft lips commonly seek help in the field of reconstructive plastic surgery. Its goal is to repair the established damage and restore full function for the patient. When it comes to cosmetic surgery like breast augmentation or liposuction, it’s still about restoring the functionality of an individual. Even if only for beauty reasons, the person will regain their self-esteem and confidence. Liposuction, for example, can even bring back the functionality of movement and help individuals who are obese or morbidly obese move towards a healthier lifestyle.
Aesthetic Impact on the Mind
Victims of accidents like fires or car crashes would often hide their scarring or disfigurement. Children are especially psychologically affected by this since their peers tend to pick on them or they feel like social outcasts due to the depiction of beauty in the media. Domestic violence victims with broken jaws, noses, or physical mutilations carry those like a heavy psychological memento of their misfortune.
The significance of cosmetic surgery knows no bounds. Breast implant surgery in Newcastle or rhinoplasty in Los Angeles will have the same impact on the patient even though they are performed on the opposite sides of the world. Often the aesthetic benefits of cosmetic procedures mask the practical advantage. Having a fully functional body is also one of the outcomes of cosmetic surgery besides beautification and corrective measures.
Aesthetic Benefits of Cosmetic Procedures
People are constantly observed – by themselves, their peers, society, and the media. Everyone has their own expectations. That is enough to turn us into dissatisfied individuals seeking a way to look more beautiful or to conform to certain standards. Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders are all known to come out of hating yourself and your body. It’s easy to point a finger at plastic surgery, which can actually solve these problems if implemented correctly and moderately. But in the end, the aesthetic benefits of cosmetic procedures are endless as long as it’s done in the right frame of mind by a qualified plastic surgeon.
About the Author
Victoria is a lifestyle writer with expertise in scribbling a lot of unnecessary words, walking a dog for miles and miles, getting bites from a pet squirrel and choosing tea for her next cup. You could at least say that she’s an avid tea-drinker.