8 Tips On How to Take the Best Holiday Pictures - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

8 Tips On How to Take the Best Holiday Pictures

8 Tips On How to Take the Best Holiday PicturesThe holidays are here, and among other things, everyone wants to snap the best holiday pictures, whether you are on your winter vacation or celebrating the holidays at home. To make sure you perfect your photography skills to ensure you capture the most Insta-worthy moments this holiday (and after), the smiles experts over at Invisalign have shared with us their top tips for capturing pictures you’ll love for years to come.

Capture the Best Holiday Pictures With These Tips

1.     Choose an Insta-worthy background

It’s all about what’s behind you and not just your face. Avoid taking a picture too close to your face and choose a unique and creative background to truly capture the place you are visiting.

SEE ALSO: How to Avoid Tipping the Scales During the Holidays

2.     Lighting is everything

You’ve heard this one before, but having the correct light in your picture is truly everything.  Natural light always works best but try to experiment as much as possible and add a flash, if needed.

3.     Smile like you mean it

To snap the best holiday pictures, try to capture a genuine moment and avoid pulling a fake smile for your selfies as it really shows in the pictures.

4.     Don’t over-edit or use too many filters

Using filters and editing tools can work magic for your pictures but don’t overdo it. There is nothing worse than having a shot where you no longer look like yourself.

8 Tips On How to Take the Best Holiday Pictures

5.     Take multiple shots

Don’t settle for just one selfie shot, play around and take multiple pictures from different angles so you can choose the best one later on.

6.     Know your best angle

Everyone has their best angle so make sure you know yours if you want to capture the best holiday pictures for yourself. It takes time to figure it out but once you do, you will feel much happier with your pictures. And if it’s wonky teeth you’re trying to disguise, find out how Invisalign can help your smile to look good from every angle.

7.     Group photos

The holiday season is all about the family getting together and sharing special moments. Be sure to make those moments last forever with an awesome family and friends group photo. Use a self-timer or a selfie stick to get everyone in the frame.

RELATED: Tips on Surviving the Festive season

8.     Be yourself

Try to capture a selfie while in your comfort zone so you don’t look awkward. Whether you like fine-dining or trying the local cuisine, just do you and you’ll be bound to look your happiest in your holiday snaps.

What is your go-to when it comes to taking your best holiday pictures or just a simple selfie? Folks want to know so, help them out by sharing in the comments below!

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


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