DIY Hair Oil Masks That Will Change Your Hair - Hair Care tips

5 DIY Hair Oil Masks

easy diy hair oil masksMy hair care routine is never complete without a weekly hair mask. Think of hair oil masks as your super conditioner. They are usually left in your hair longer than your shampoos and conditioners and most often give you drastic results from one use. Do you frequently change your hairstyle? Get braids often? Or do you use heat frequently to straighten or curl your hair? Well, doing these things frequently may lead to hair damage and breakage. With proper care though, your hair will end up flourishing. I love DIY hair masks because they are easy to make and most of the ingredients are found in our homes. Did I mention they leave your hair shinier, stronger and smelling amazing? Use these five DIY hair oil masks to tackle common hair issues such as hair loss, dry hair, dandruff, split ends, frizzy hair, dull hair and heat damaged hair.

WORTH READING: DIY Hair Loss Treatments That Work Wonders

Simple DIY Hair Oil Masks That Will Change Your Hair

1. Grapeseed oil and egg hair mask

Pure grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes (that part that you usually throw away when eating the fruit). Grapeseed oil is known for its magical benefits when it comes to hair loss, brittle hair and dandruff. Grapeseed oil contains vitamin E, an antioxidant which helps build tissue, and linoleic acid a fatty acid which helps promote hair growth. It is usually my go-to when it comes to moisturizing my hair because it leaves it feeling softer and not greasy.

Eggs are an abundant source of proteins, minerals and B-Complex vitamins that are essential “hair foods”. I know the thought of rubbing in raw eggs on your hair may be a little traumatizing for some of us, but trust me, the benefits I got from them are totally worth it.

Whipping up the mask

For the mask you will need the following;

  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Grapeseed oil
  • Plastic cap or wrap
  • Hair towel

Mix the ingredients of the DIY hair oils masks in a bowl. Make sure your hair is clean. Dirt and product residue builds up in hair and creates a barrier around the hair shaft which keeps it from absorbing nutrients and moisture. This is why it is super important to shampoo your hair then rinse with lukewarm water before applying the mask. Do not condition your hair. Apply the mask to your hair in sections, comb through to ensure even distribution. Then cover it with a wrap or plastic cap and let it sit for an hour. Finally, rinse it out with cool water to seal your cuticles.

2.  Banana Almond Oil Hair Mask

Using just these two ingredients will help soften and moisturize dry frizzes. Bananas are great when it comes to trapping moisture into the hair, nourishing the scalp, and hair follicles since they are made up of 75% water. They also prevent breakage, split ends and dandruff.

Almond oil is an excellent conditioner that will bless your mane with a beautiful natural sheen. Well known for its richness in multivitamins and omega fatty acids, it easily penetrates deep into your scalp, strengthening your roots and shafts, and softening frizzy hair. It also is great for healing inflammation and treating dandruff.

Preparing the Mask

For this DIY hair oil masks, you will need;

  • 2 ripe or overripe bananas
  • 2 teaspoons of almond oil

Blend the bananas until they’re lump-free. Transfer it into a bowl and stir in the almond oil. Slather the mask on your hair from the roots working upwards. Cover with a shower cap and let it sit for 15minutes. Rinse out with cold water (you can also shampoo it off).

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3. Avocado, egg and olive oil mask

Yummy avocados. This weirdly makes me crave guacamole. These DIY hair oil masks are packed with healthy fats that make it an amazing natural hair conditioning and moisturizing ingredient. Nutrients like vitamin E in the avocado stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Olive oil is rich in fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids which lubricate dry hair and regulate oil in hair. It contains vitamin E and antioxidants that fight off free radicals known to damage healthy cells and cause premature greying.

How to make the mask

You will need;

  • One avocado
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

Scrape off all the avocado and blend until lump-free. Crack your egg in and add the olive oil. Blend it till it’s a smooth consistency.  Apply to clean hair, cover with a shower cap and leave it in for 20 minutes. Rinse out with cool water.

4. Cinnamon and coconut hair oil mask

Coconut oil is the one ingredient that you’ll find in most kitchens. It is great at moisturizing and conditioning hair while adding shine and treating hair damage

The sweet and spicy spice does more than being a latte topping. I use it mainly to stimulate my scalp which works amazing when it comes to healthy hair growth. The mask may sting a little but this only shows that the cinnamon is working.


This is one of the simplest DIY hair oil masks to make. All you need for this is;

  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon

In a bowl, melt the coconut oil and then add the cinnamon and mix. For extra benefits, you can add 2 ripe bananas (optional). Apply this mask on clean dry hair ensuring you coat your entire strands. Leave on for 20 minutes. I would suggest doing a skin patch test if your scalp is sensitive.

SEE ALSO: Types of Hair Loss You Should Know About- Expert Advice

5. Honey and castor oil DIY hair mask

Split dry ends? Patched hair? Worry no more because the ingredients in the mask are here to solve just that. Honey is an emollient, meaning it seals moisture in the hair, which greatly reduces breakage. It has rich antioxidant properties which prevent damage. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities which soothe issues like dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. Additionally, it boosts hair growth and stimulates the re-growth of dominant follicles.

Castor oil, on the other hand, is high in amino acid ricinoleic which penetrates deep into the scalp and the hair follicles, regulating the pH levels. This prevents hair loss, stimulates the scalp for hair growth, prevents dandruff, and deeply hydrates hair.

You’ll need;
  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 egg(optional)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply to your locks. Cover your hair for about 30 minutes then rinse out with cool water.

FUN READ: 6 Foods you Should be Eating for Healthy Hair growth

My tips…

If you’re using DIY hair oil masks containing eggs ensure you always rinse out with cool water unless you want to end up with scrambled eggs tangled up in your hair. For effective results, repeat the mask at least once or twice a week. My favourite little hack to making my masks smell great is adding essential oils to the mix. Just a few drops of sandalwood oil, rose oil, lemon oil and lavender oil, to name a few, will do the trick. Also, before trying out any of the masks, make sure you do a patch test to make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients. And if you’re allergic to any ingredients, run a mile; don’t attempt the hair masks.

Have you tried out any DIY hair oil masks? What were your results like? What is the must-have holy grail hair oil that you swear by? Share in the comments below.

About the Author – Abigail Mbithe

Abigail Mbithe - Writer at The Beautiful LifestyleAbigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.

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About the Author

Abigail Mbithe
Abigail is a 20-something wild child who still believes in unicorns, fairy tales, and everything beautiful. When she’s not trying to invent a new hairstyle or fighting acne, and keeping her skin ageless, she’s either sipping on something or hanging out with her tribe.


  1. Me & These Curls

    I’ve tried honey and coconut oil hair mask before but not the combos that you mentioned. Have you tried a honey mask before?

  2. Hey, yes I have. Leaves the hair feeling quite soft to the touch. It basically conditions amongst other benefits. Thanks for dropping by 😉

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